Before I go to my February training, I wanted to see how many Waldorf teachers, homeschool teachers and other wise crafty teachers are using this blog for information, inspiration and ideas.
I would also like to know if there are things that you want to know better. More explanation on crafts, tutorials or if you just like to pop in and view the pictures from time to time. ......or to just hear me ramble on about my day :)
I want to share with my teacher training group about how important sharing information and having a blog is.
I would like to see more waldorf inspired sites where you can get free information.
OK that's all for now
Thank you for coming by and being a conscious adult who shows love and inspiration to our next generation.
I come here for inspiration. I love getting ideas and support from all over. As a new knitter and a 'always' unschooler, I love integrating crafts and fiber arts into our 'uncurriculum' :-)
Here's a couple links that I use all the time:
Waldorf-Inspired Web Ring:
Waldorf Mama:
peace, Mary
I'm here for all of the above. ;) I also love the variety on your blog and appreciate all the wisdom you pass our way!
I'm a homeschool mom, using the Waldorf method here at home, our closest Waldorf school is several hours away. I use your sight for inspiration. I would love deeper explanations of projects and even a better idea of needed materials for projects. Love, Love your blog.
Thanks for all that you share and do.
I think I can honestly say that following your blog has made me want to teach children Handwork even more! I think it makes a huge difference seeing how it actually connects to the children instead of just reading the "theory".
I am hoping to homeschool my daughter at this point, and there's a group of Waldorf-inspired families trying to create a Home Kindergarten. I am excited to see how everything plays out and know that your blog will keep me inspired.
I plan on homeschooling my two girls in a waldorf-y style. But, they just turned 3 and 1 so, right now all my reading is just to get ideas, and learn a little here and there. I'm a beginning level (if that) crafter/painter/yarn worker and hoping to learn enough that when the time comes to teach/lead by example, I will have the tools ready in my head and hands.
I also love just reading about daily life of people who have made similar lifestyle choices. It makes me feel WAY less isolated and alone here in the midwest.
I get so much inspiration from this blog, and many great ideas. I appreciate all the hard work you put into this and your willingness to share. Have a great time at your training.
I am I am I love your blog
I am a homeschooling mom in the Chestnut ridge area and have you in my blog list. Have fun at training.
I am learning Waldorf-only have been for a few months- to use with my toddler daughter. I'd love more info about this age group. Thanks. She is 2.5.
All of the above!! I love hearing about peoples daily lives, their joys and their struggles too! I also like hearing about all the cool projects you do as a teacher and as a mother at home!!!
See you at training, Sarah
I'm in teacher training and love to get ideas/tutorials especially for painting. Since my program only meets a few weeks every year it's great to find sites that give me inspiration and videos that I can try to follow.
So thank you for sharing.
I absolutely adore your blog I am a beginning teacher at a Waldorf school and am always looking for inspiration and I always find it here! Thank you, thank you and keep up the great work!!
hello! I'm here too. You completely inspire me and help me to be more than what I am. I have been hmsching for 16 years and started out with waldorf and still love it.
I love the way you've set up the website and enjoy the pics and video. There's something about sharing what you are going through that makes the "whole" clearer. I have got some ideas for my own classes 1-6 and have also enjoyed the comments. Quite inspirational.
I love your painting lessons,I'd love to see more!
I am a waldorf home playgroup leader, who has recently also become a preschool teacher at our local waldorf school. I am a parent of a child in class one at the waldorf school, and one child still at home, and I am also part of a craft group which supports the school by making things for classrooms, teachers, and school fairs. I also support some waldorf homeschooling friends and relatives that lost their school recently.
I love the inspiration from your site from all its levels, with many of my different hats on.
I'm a homeschooling mom of two,but we will soon be moving from Ohio to Wisconsin where we will start our daughter in her first grade year at a Waldorf school next Fall while our son will continue with his studies at home.
We are looking to add more handwork projects to our days and so we come here for inspiration.
have a wonderful time,
I am so thankful for the information that you share here! I come especially for your information on working with big kids (my children are 11 and 15).
How to get more German into our everyday.
Pecos Blue that is a very random answer to my question......German? Do you think handwork is German?
you get me inspired and I love a good tutorial:-) very visual learner.
All of the above? :) Photos. Yes. Inspiration. Yes. My boys are young, but we still do as much handwork as we can, and even the projects for the older kids can inspire colors and ideas.
I am loving seeing how "others" do it.... reassurance, comraderie, ideas. I am so isolated here, this is a great medium.
Thanks :)
I'm not a teacher by profession, but I'm a mom guiding my little one and I get a lot of inspiration from you as well as other sites. And I am so VERY grateful for all the knowledge I have gained! THANK YOU!
I love to see what the different grades are busy working on. It gives me inspiration to homeschool my children. I really like the tutorials. Thank you for sharing your creativity with us....
I visit your blog for everything from instructions to inspiration.:) I'm also wondering if you know where one can purchase the chairs found in your classroom. They are beautiful! My oldest son also visits your site for assurance that other children are actually doing the same things he is..lol. He's 10 and having a hard time since no one in our area crafts at all.
Thank you for all your hard work!
Thank you! You have inspired me to post a blog ( I'm a bit of a Luddite - so we'll see how it goes)Not much to see yet - but I hope it helps our community grow! Gia
I come here to peek in from time to time, I wish I could come more often - I do have to say that many of your class paintings have become ones that we try here as well and I love the flow of your work and of course your ramblings!
Oh and now that I think about it, I also check in to read about what your students are doing... just to keep an eye on what I could be stretching my children to do.
HI, I am a handwork teacher in a public charter waldorf methods school. I check your blog every chance I get, as it is sometimes a little lonely out there in a handwork teacher's world! We are surrounded by children, but not so much with other teachers! Anyway, I really appreciate your blog, and am envious of your room (I have no hndwrk room, but travel from classroom to classroom, which has its chanllenges to be sure!) I have started a blog to share with others, but it is not quite ready...I need to spend more time with it! Thank you so much for sharing your journey with me!
i am relatively new at teaching handwork and i adore it. i also have small children so not much time plugged in. i really appreciate being able to compare curriculum and project ideas. i really should find time to check in more often!
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