The Handwork teacher

I am a mother to two beautiful girls and I teach Handwork and Fine Arts in our local waldorf charter school in Arizona.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

waldorf 5th grade hat tutorial

go to a tube....that is NOT the way

5th needle comes into left hand loop and the yarn is in the right side needle
the first stitch brings them together in a circle....(it looks like a square)

first needle row is the old needle becomes the new working needle

using the European method: get 5 double pointed needles...make them or buy them

Cast on 16 stitches onto 4 needles (the 16th stitch transfers to the next needle) needle 4 cast on only 15. ... the 5th needle is the one that moves around

so a total of 60 stitches.

Once you have a big chain of needles with stitches you need to connect the two ends.
So using your 5th needle go under the fence ( your yarn is in your right hand) catch the sheep and now you have connected the 2 sides and you have a circle.

Start to knit and transfer every time the needle comes to the end.

tail has to be 2 yards long ..child yarn finger to nose 2x

1 comment:

woolladyfelter said...

you are so great - thanks - I will try it...