The Handwork teacher

I am a mother to two beautiful girls and I teach Handwork and Fine Arts in our local waldorf charter school in Arizona.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

crochet hooks

These are the hooks I am "hooked" on :)

they are metal and bamboo! the bamboo feels just like their thick pencils in class and since the crochet hook supports their dominant hand for handwriting.... it is perfect!


Pam de Groot said...

I got my year 3/4s to whittle some hooks. We found sticks in the playground. sharpened the end with a sharpener. Whittled the end we would use. I cut the V in the end and then they sanded and polished the rest. They worked a treat and much less expensive than buying a set. If they lost one they just started again.

Teaching Handwork said...

wow that is a big task...for me at least!
I am impressed!