We did this puppet show for the 3 kindergartens and the rest of the 6th grade and some faculty, so there was about 65 people in the room. it was great!
we will do the second half of this group in 2 weeks. This one was Rama and Sita and the next is the Native American Cinderella story (the invisible one)
These are lovely! Wow
We live in Johannesburg, which is quite far from Michael Oak, about 2and a half hours away by airoplane, they are in Cape Town, we are close the Michael Mount Waldorf school though, they are an hour away by car.
Those puppets are beautiful! The art teacher at the school where I work made those with the middle-schoolers last year. I brought one of the sample puppets home, so I could figure out how to make them and maybe use them as a project for my son when he gets older.
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