I did it!!!!!!! my first year of being a handwork teacher and I am still standing...........
This year I had 23 first graders
23 2nd graders
23 3rd graders
17 4th graders
26 5th graders
16 6th graders
22 7th graders
8 8th graders
and I worked with Kindergarten a little
Now I relax....I have meetings with faculty all next week and I have to pack up my room....But now I breathe and plan for next year
Think about what worked and what didn't
Right after school got out on Friday...it was half day...we had the car packed and we left for the mountains to go camping in a cabin
on Monday it was 112 degrees and on Friday it was 65 degrees...so that means we had SNOW in the mountains
I forgot hats so I had to make new ones really fast...good thing I had yarn and a crochet hook...
Wow. We have two weeks left of school and the public schools have 4! I confess I'm not quite ready for the children to be out.
Hels spent the entire weekend sewing doll clothes (a skin-tight tux) for a boy in her class who has been moving quite slowly on completing his doll...
It sounds like you deserve a good break. Have a great weekend in the mountains- it looks like fun!
Happy end of the year!
Crazy weather eh?
Congratulations! I can only imagine all the time and effort you spent planning and helping to complete all those projects! Thanks so much for sharing them as well. Have a great vacation! But I will be looking forward to autumn, when I'll get to see more of your projects! :) Thanks for your comment on Mommy Politics-- it means a lot to hear from another mother. Sorry for the delay in responding-- the last few weeks have been crazy! Talk to you again soon.
Sitting by a fire in the mountains after a long school year...bliss.
Congrats on such an accomplished year behind you!
But man, what a crazy difference in temperature!!!!!
That looks like an awesome cabin. We have had extreme weather too - 81 yesterday, 51 right now, and supposed to be 34 tonight. Wow!
So awesome that you made their hats so quick! Congratulations on the end of your first school year, we still a have a few weeks to go, but I can feel those summer forces pulling us away!
Thats so wonderful what you have done - you must feel good. The cabin looks lovely and cozy. I feel like we will have snow - back down to 36 tonight! Poor seedlings. When do you stat your school for the summer and is it local? Miss you already!
I have 7-1/2 more days of schools left and getting ready to go noodles! :-) Yay! You did it. Relax! :-)
What a year.
You have my dream (paid) job. Oh, to be a handwork teacher.
The cabin looks amazing, I miss having an open fire... & that snow? Weird.
Enjoy your holidays...Xxx
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