Monday, June 8, 2009

Waldorf woodworking and clay class

our woodwork, clay and beeswax class is run by a fantastically talented woman. If only she new how talented she was! Anyway, here are some things that her class did this year......and again this is just a taste of what came out of this class. I saw some absolutely amazing things wonder out of the woodwork/ clay room.

So for educational support other waldorf woodwork and clay is a small taste of what our school has created this year

6th grade making their own swords for the Medieval games


  1. What kind of wood was used for the spoons? It looked like cedar...

  2. We are a small Waldorf school in Guatemala and we're starting to look at developing a woodworking program. Are there any resources/books you would recommend? What are the basic tools that would be necessary for the primary grades (say, 4th-6th at least)?

    Any help you can provide is appreciated. Feel free to check out our site:


  3. This is a beautiful site! Thanks for all the great info and pictures. We are at a Waldorf Charter school in LA and are taking a couple of weeks to home school. I just linked to your site.

  4. Hi, I am part of a Taller de Madres at the Waldorf school in Barcelona. We want to create some wood animals for the children. I am trying to find information on how to create Waldorf-appropriate wooden toys, especially the philosophy and guidelines. For example, the expression on the animals' face, avoiding sharp edges, etc. Could you guide me in where I might be able to find this information -websites, books, someone to talk with who has woodworking experience. Thank you.

    On my blog, there is a link to email me on the left side. I didn't want to post my email address publicly.

    Thank you,


Please feel free to leave a comment or question. I love visitors :)