Thursday, June 4, 2009

My Handwork room is homless ..but not for long

At the moment my Handwork room is homeless. All of my items are packed up and sitting in one of the Kindergarten classrooms. I am crossing my fingers that the room that was assigned for me will still be available by the end of the year (I should go pee on it and mark my territory ...right?)......I could use some positive vibes with this in mind.

Our school is in the process of building BUT BUT BUT we are waiting for permits etc for people to start moving around......WELL, we just added on our 9th grade class and that means......Handwork room MUST move to make room.....only because our building has not started. SO!!!!!! I was given another smaller room but it is currently the front office that means that the front office has to move....etc.

This all can and will happen.....everyone is really positive about the change...So please place me in your thoughts when you think about Handwork

Thank you all

1 comment:

  1. You are in my thoughts! Good luck with everything, and happy summer. :)


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