So I have now come to a close with my second year...2 more to go!
Here are some pics from this week
Come take a walk with me around campus. Here you see the Orchard house. Bottom floor is the Craft studio and upstairs is dorms.

This is the main house where registration, lectures and the cafe is....plus student computer room.

Here is Holder house Dorm house. 4 kitchens. 3 floors and I don't know how many rooms!

Front entrance way. Branches off to all the different directions

Hall way to our North Kitchen and our rooms

Julia and I were roommates . Julia is felting a small felted Gnome at the moment

Deb and Sarah's room

Do you remember that gnome Julia was just felting? Well we made 3 each (julia and I) and we are off to hide them in random places for kids to find. So walk with us through campus......

This is a lecture building.

This is the bridge that divides Sunbridge and the Springvalley campus. They call the sunbridge side "Brook Side". In the summer the camp director puts hundreds of arrow heads in the brook for the kids to find.

Julia is hiding a gnome in the roots of this tree. The yellow building in the back is the Eurythmy school.

Walking up to Spring Valley Waldorf school.

Julia is hiding a gnome in the branches of this tree outside 1st grade.

I hid all my gnome in the Kinder play yard...can you see one in the hole of the log?

This is a display case in the middle school building

7th grade class did this together. its many pictures put together

7th grade pestels of the spanish Armada being burnt by the english

Art class

Julia is looking at the display in the Handwork room

back at the craft studio and here are some treasures for sale

craft studio treasures for sale