Busy first few weeks of school..... yes, we in the south west start school in Aug.....yes when it is blazing hot!
Well I usually get sick the first month of school....here it is again...I have the cold and so do all the kids...sneezing on my hands while I help them and all....yuck!
wash hands .....wash.....sung in my mind to the melody sung in the Kindergarten.
My advanced Knitting group for 5th grade is AMAZING!!!! 14 children in that group, the other 13 children in that grade are in woodworking class.
I have 4 kids already done with both CUFFS!!!!!
Here is one of my daughters at pick up....just loving first grade!
I'll take more pics asap
meeeeee toooooo....soooo busy! The beginning of the year is so insane! Good luck ! I love the crazy knitters in 5th grade, but I have 32 of them at all different levels...aaaaaaagh! Crazy making!