Saturday, March 21, 2009

my younger daughter's birthday celebration at school

The kinder class birthday celebration is beautiful . All the children wear silks for they are the souls that were with the birthday child in the heavenly garden where the star children live. They were once all together and when she (my daughter) came down to earth with her angel they all said "see you soon down on earth"
I had to use really strong mommy powers not to cry during the story that her teacher told.

I have lots of pics, but I can't show them to you because I don't have permission to show pics of the other kids.
Then we had a wonderful snack all together at their snack table.


  1. ahhhh, what a lovely celebration for both you and your charming daughter.
    I'm happy for the both of you!
    Bairbre Aine

  2. So sweet.

    Happy Birth Day to a wonderful girl and her Mama!

  3. Those moments are so powerful for we parents and you just know it touches the children deep within. My youngest
    child's Kindy teacher wrote a story about each child as they went up to class one. I still pull it out and read it now and then. It encapsulates his spirit so beautifully.

  4. I miss those sweet birthday celebrations!

  5. A wonderful happy birthday to your daughter - and you!

  6. Oh this post made me miss my son's Waldorf days so much! Enjoy all these wonderful moments!

  7. What a beautiful celebration. Thank you for sharing, it is very inspiring.


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