Saturday, March 14, 2009

Flu season and rant on my Art history teacher

It's flu season and in our family we are STRONGLY against vaccines....don't even try and convince me Vacs are a good idea....I'll just go ballistic on you. So we had a week of us all being sick....and it's spring break. so now it's Saturday and I am no longer sick and I am thinking...."so now I am well, let's get started with our vacation!" No just luck!

I also just took a Art History quiz and it was full of trick questions...AHHHHHHH I am soooo pissed off!!!! I needed to vent this.... I just want to curse and swear (I won't cause I don't have a potty mouth) But I WANT TO! I hate stupid teachers! ahhhh, never do that to your students! don't trick them and think that by tricking them with stupid words you will be able to teach them something.....especially in art!

ahhhh!!!! can you tell I am pissed off.....

I am sure I will delete this rant in the morning.....


  1. It always seems like teachers who give trick questions are those who aren't truly there to help you learn the information. It is very frustrating when you know the material!

  2. Totally with you on both flu vacs and trick tests!! You go ahead and rant!

  3. My abnormal psych teacher is doing the same thing.I'm so not impressed...:(

  4. I agree with you on Vaccs. My hubby will do what you if someone tries to tell him vaccs are good.

    I am happy I'm with like-minded people here. :)

  5. LOL!!! I was an Art History and Studio Art double major in college and became an Elementary art teacher. I had some very tough professors who would do the trick questions all the time and I'm with you on the rant. Art is not about right and wrong answers and I was always bothered by the "historians" deciding or dictating what the artist intended when they created something.
    Great blog by the way!!


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