Tuesday, February 10, 2009

valentine production time

my younger daughter is doing the butterflies
my 3rd grader is making mice for the boys in her class and owls for the girls. She thinks it is SOOOOOOOOO funny that owls eat mice.

Valentine production is on the way....we are almost done!


  1. Thanks so much for your suggestions! :-)

  2. My girls love making the little mice. I must say I love our teachers' method of everyone making one valentine and then choosing a valentine from a hat then guessing whose it is. It's a fun game and a lot less work :)

  3. My 8 year old started making his Valentine's almost three weeks ago and just finished them last night! Your daughter's look great, I especially like the owls.

  4. The owls are very cute! I love making Valentine's but I need to have lace-y doilies every year no matter what.


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