Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Off to Sunbridge for handwork training again

You won't hear from me for a few weeks.

I will post pics of all the fun we had when I get back.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A teacher I admire

This is a waldorf art teacher and waldorf teacher trainer in OR.

I truly admire this artist!

Monday, February 16, 2009

This week in the Handwork room

I just made her up by crocheting in a round doll.....not too bad for first time.....Spring is here! start with chain of 3 go back into first stitch about 5 times. start to work in a round until you have the desired leg size. work on next leg the same way. connect the legs and work in a round to make the torso. decrease near the top to make it thinner. Then do the same for the arms....supper easy!
Made by a 7th grader
the pizza guy was made by a 7th grader. My kids are so talented! another one was finished on the same day but he was made to look like our Garden Teacher "Farmer Tony" so we had to go out to Garden and gift him his doll.
The red pot holder is made by a 2nd grader and the thread rack is used by 4th, 6th and 8th grade. The cross stitch is 4th grade. The Flute cases are 1st grade
3rd grade puppets are almost done......stone soup here we come
3rd grade made looms from pre schooler is holding up her sisters work.
we will weave in flowers and grass and bark etc.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


This is only funny if understand Eurythmy and know how much boys want to NOT do Eurythmy so to see them create their own performance to a Disney soundtrack is rare and extremely funny!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

valentine production time

my younger daughter is doing the butterflies
my 3rd grader is making mice for the boys in her class and owls for the girls. She thinks it is SOOOOOOOOO funny that owls eat mice.

Valentine production is on the way....we are almost done!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

a candle in an orange ...candlemas

Mom in Madison did this craft
I love it! go to link to see more info

does anyone celebrate candlemas or celebrate Imbolc? well I love this idea!

our kinder classes do something for candlemas

Friday, February 6, 2009

randoms things from this week

a birthday gift we made for a friend
7th grade felted person
nature table in one of the 3 kinder classes
our school garden.....we can grow things all year long :)
our school's garden
over 100 hats made by 8th grade in their knit a thon
wet felting around a rubber band

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Handwork teachers who blog

Here are some Handwork teachers who blog that you might not know about but SHOULD have on your blog roll :)
If you are a handwork teacher and I forgot your site.....PLEASE post it in comments and I will share it with everyone else.

here are waldorf playgroup leaders
is a language teacher

and here is a wonderful crafty grades teacher

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Handwork teachers are the Priestesses of the school

I took a great workshop yesterday! It was the Spacial dynamics workshop run by Edmund Knighton
if you ever get a chance to take a spacial dynamics workshop you should jump at the opportunity.

Well in our workshop we periodically stop and he talks to one point he started to talk about how Handwork teachers and he said that we "are the Priestesses of the school.....Handwork teachers hear EVERYTHING at the school and if they don't keep that silence and grace, the school could get into a lot of trouble" "when Children start to work with their hands, they inadvertently start to talk and the handwork teacher is there is listen."

So to this I say, hold these conversations sacred and understand that we are not here to judge but to listen, guide and support.

The film below is of Edmond working with some of the kids at school during games class. it is a clapping exercise.