Friday, January 2, 2009

1st grade song and verse for Jan

1st grade song and verse for Jan

the kids forgive my poor singing, so you will have to as well.

I rotate my songs and poems each month. The only one that stays the same is the 1st grade Handwork verse.

thank you
for the verse

with clang and clash in caverns cold,
we gather glittering, gleaming gold.

with ding and dong in the dark and deep,
we search where silver secrets sleep.

with a hey and a ho in a hundred homes,
we mine the mountains' magic stones

Dwarf Song:
Heigh-ho cry the merry .... dwarves (clap clap)
Its off to the woods we .....Are
We'd like to stay but time is...Short
Heigh-ho cry the merry dwarves (Clap clap)



  1. Thanks for this!
    I will be using it this week.


  2. Hi,
    I just wanted you to know how much your post influenced, inspired, & helped my lessons this week. Here is a post about it on my blog I used the verse, and the song. We made up more verses for the song too. Thanks again & I hope to see more of your shared ideas.


  3. Oh, my eyes are streaming with tears of laughter over the dwarf song! My 3 teenage daughters are in the next room singing it at the top of their lungs...I showed them the video and it brought all their elementary waldorf days rushing back to them. I hope all your readers understand that it is meant to be sung as a round...when the singing is strong and the rhythm is well established the hilarity begins! Thank you!


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