Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Class review time

So last year this time I had our school mentor come in to review my class (and all the other subject teachers and class teachers etc) . Well it's that time again........dhm dha dha dham......its always so nerve racking to have someone come and stare at you for the SINGLE PURPOSE OF FINDING SOMETHING TO IMPROVE . I should be more positive about this and except the guildance. "note to self......welcome all comments, negative and positive, as a way learn and grow."

Well I had 8th grade for my review (she will see me 2 more times) and they were their usual selves; Chatty, jumpy, silly and always extremely creative. So its the end of the semester and almost all the children have completed their projects, so its time for free style creations......So yesterday they thought up things to make and they made their own patterns
3 kids made boxers
2 kids made vests
2 kids made skirts
and 1 made leg warmers

When I announced that it was time to clean up (we have a double period for this class)
they all shouted "NO"!!!!! "I don't want to leave"

I was so proud of their defiance :)

Anyways, the mentor looked at me and said, WOW what a popular class you have.

Thank you thank you

1 comment:

  1. I love your new video features!
    Nice to have classes that appreciate you, no? Will you post your schedual/times of when you teach your classes (or email them to me). You get so much done in one classroom period! 2 of my 4th graders are just finishing there bags - So slow! I hope to call - I keep saying that but I really do.


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