Friday, September 19, 2008

Michaelmas time

As Michaelmas is right around the corner I see that our community needs the courage and strength that this time of year brings.

The symbol of St. Michael taming the dragon really means that the human needs to go within and find the inner strength that lives with in each of us. Fear, depression, and hate is the dragon. Strength, courage and joy is the angel light within each of us.

This past week our community has been struck by different very challenging and sad events. 3 beautiful souls passed away. One was a teenage girl and the other was a pregnant mother and her baby.

We had a child diagnosed with cancer

and another child broke his arm.

It has been a very challenging week for our community.


  1. I'm so sorry to hear about the difficult time your community is going through. This was a good description of what Michaelmas is about...thank you.

  2. Ahh, so sorry. Life is so full of tragedies sometimes.
    (ps sent you a pic of the pendant, seems terrible to post that information here)
    stay strong.

  3. So sorry to hear about your losses. What was it with last month? Within our family we had two deaths-- grandmother and aunt (my husband's family.) I don't normally follow the stars, but it's enough to make me wonder if they are out of alignment... I'll be checking in. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Wow - your community is in my prayers.

  5. I appreciate your reminder to draw strength from Michaelmas. It is a very powerful gift to celebrate this time for me. Blessings to your community, which seems to be going through so much right now.

    I just discovered your site and I am so excited. My oldest children are attending a charter school this year (K and 3rd grade), and I have been working to bring waldorf-inspired projects to the classrooms. It is my way of making their education workable for our family, as well as feeling the satisfaction of sharing this wealth of creativity with other children. I can really use the suggestions!


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