Thursday, August 28, 2008

3rd Grade

The year of "everything goes upside down" the 9 year of change......parents breathe through it and teachers hold your breath.


"From the cotton field plants
the cotton is won and washed and spun
plants give the cotton and we give it form
with line on line and row on row
the one long thread begins to show
the work of our fingers, with patients transforms
now the cotton field plant can clothe our form."


" My hands are a bowl they hold water just fine
my hands are a shelter, a pillow, a line
my hands are spinners and weavers too
my hands are my most useful tool
They've done their work
they've done their best and now its time for them
to rest."

Blessings on your day 3rd grade boys and girls.

Verses to teach them to crochet.

how to hold your yarn. "pinky pointer hold your yarn ( or work)
Here the yarn wraps around the pinky then the pointer and the pointer points while the middle finger and the thumb holds the work.

single crochet
"under the bridge catch a fish and pull it through, now you have 2, catch another, easy as butter."

Chain stitch "Into the bunny hole, grab some carrots for me, out of the bunny hole and you're home free"

or just talk about fishing and the crochet hook is the pole and and hooks onto fish in the pond .

1 comment:

  1. my little girls weren't too impressed with the idea of "finger knitting" but pref'd the exact same thing now called "finger crocheting." I had to make up an on-the-spot teaching verse which is all about being brave enough to go into the cave and catch the snake--the wee choleric one LOVES it, hehe.


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